{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}

module Language.Haskell.Tools.Refactor.Builtin.ExtensionOrganizer.Checkers.GADTsChecker where

import Control.Reference ((^.), (&))
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe (MaybeT(..))

import Language.Haskell.Tools.AST
import Language.Haskell.Tools.Refactor
import Language.Haskell.Tools.Refactor.Builtin.ExtensionOrganizer.ExtMonad

-- | Checks a GADT-style constructor if GADTSyntax is turned on.
-- Sometimes GADTSyntax is sufficient and GADTs is not even needed.
chkGADTsGadtConDecl :: CheckNode GadtConDecl
chkGADTsGadtConDecl = conditional chkGADTsGadtConDecl' GADTSyntax

-- | Checks a data constructor declaration if GADTs or ExistentialQuantification is turned on.
-- This function is responsible for checking ExistentialQuantification as well.
-- (there is no separate checker for that extension)
chkConDeclForExistentials :: CheckNode ConDecl
chkConDeclForExistentials = conditionalAny chkConDeclForExistentials' [GADTs, ExistentialQuantification]

-- | Checks whether a GADTs-style constructor declaration requires GADTs.
-- If all data constructors are vanilla Haskell 98 data constructors
-- , then only GADTSyntax is needed. If any constructor's lookup fails
-- , we add MissingInformation.
chkGADTsGadtConDecl' :: CheckNode GadtConDecl
chkGADTsGadtConDecl' conDecl = do
  let conNames   = conDecl ^. (gadtConNames & annListElems)
  mres <- mapM (runMaybeT . isVanillaDataConNameM) conNames
  addEvidence_ GADTSyntax conDecl
  if | any isNothing mres ->
       addRelationMI (GADTs `lOr` ExistentialQuantification) conDecl
     | any (not . fromJust) mres ->
       addRelation (GADTs `lOr` ExistentialQuantification) conDecl
     | otherwise -> return conDecl

-- | Extracts the name from a ConDecl, and checks whether it is a vanilla
-- data constructor. Ifthe lookup fails, adds MissingInformation.
chkConDeclForExistentials' :: CheckNode ConDecl
chkConDeclForExistentials' conDecl =
  fromMaybeTM (addRelationMI (GADTs `lOr` ExistentialQuantification) conDecl) $
  case conDecl ^. element of
    UConDecl _ _ n _         -> chkName n
    URecordDecl _ _ n _      -> chkName n
    UInfixConDecl _ _ _ op _ -> chkName (op ^. operatorName)
  where chkName :: HasNameInfo' n => n -> MaybeT ExtMonad ConDecl
        chkName n = do
          isVanilla <- isVanillaDataConNameM n
          if isVanilla
            then return conDecl
            else lift . addRelation (GADTs `lOr` ExistentialQuantification) $ conDecl